Synesthesia in marketing
Psychology Today

This is known as synesthesia, the association of sensory qualities with ... A recent study suggests that most people may have a bit of number synesthesia. ...

Dutch singer/producer Diederick van Eck'smusical rendering of the visual art by Dutch painter Vincent van Gogh.
Although it was once considered a neural aberration mainly reported in anecdotal accounts, in recent years synesthesia has been the subject of more rigorous ...
Interview with synesthete Angela Purll.
It was there that I began to unlock my ability to hear in colour, a near- indescribable sensation which I would later learn is known as "synaesthesia". ...
Novelist Siri Hustvedt addresses touch-mirror-synesthesia in her new book.

... or on her mirror-touch synaesthesia, in which her empathy with others is so intense that she feels pain when witnessing others in pain. ...

Theatre play with synesthetic character.
The Guardian

And if Barney's synaesthesia makes him so special, it becomes hard to care whether he will ever get together with the more conformist Nicola. ...

via Google Alerts - synesthesie door op 31-1-10
Wat Jannis Brevet nog het meeste boeit is de synesthesie tussen kunst en koken. Synesthesie is de verbinding tussen waarnemingen en voorstellingen uit ...
via Google Alerts - synesthesie door op 31-1-10
Omdat ik momenteel een scriptie schrijf over synesthesie (huh watte?) en ik zelf ook synestheet ben, leek het mij leuk om dit op deze manier kenbaar te ...
synesthesia in comics.
Huffington Post

Laugh if you want, but I have strong associations between numbers and letters and I'm not alone -- it's actually called Synesthesia. Go forth and Google. ...

Symposium and exhiition on Kandinsky's interest in synesthesia.
... Synesthesia, and Art, an interdisciplinary examination of painting, synesthesia, and abstraction from modern to contemporary times, including from the ...

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